From the Department of Only In Florida…
I know children read this blog sometimes, “butt” I must tell you about this chicken found in Florida, home of nasty crimes and beautiful, beautiful chicks with gorgeous tans and bods to match.
In Ocala, which is pertnear 100 miles north of O’do, a clucker hen, a layer of eggs, was found to have 2 pubic areas. Now, before you jump all over me like the rooster I am not, take a look at the news…

Alfredo Cruz of Ocala holds his chicken J-Lo Wednesday afternoon outside the Marion County Extension Office. With the help of Nola Wilson, a small animal extention agent with the Marion County Extension Office, Wilson verified that Cruz’s chicken in fact has two two pubic areas. The two pubic areas is where chickens lay eggs and relieve themselves. “We give the eggs away to neighbors,” Cruz said. “We just want to keep her. We don’t want to make any profit. Now we’ll keep her until one of the hawks come and get her,” Cruz said with a chuckle.
There’s a video. Scroll down after you click on the link.